How To: Find Block Names In Moodle Database Set Default layout
How To: Find Block Names In Moodle Database Set Default layout >>>
How to: find block names in Moodle database and set default layout
Moodle is a popular learning management system that allows you to create and manage online courses. One of the features of Moodle is that you can customize the layout of your course pages by adding and arranging different blocks. Blocks are small sections of content that can display various information, such as calendars, news, quizzes, etc.
However, sometimes you may want to change the default layout of your course pages, or find out the names of the blocks that are available in your Moodle installation. In this article, we will show you how to do both tasks using the Moodle database.
Find block names in Moodle database
To find out the names of the blocks that are installed in your Moodle site, you need to access the Moodle database. You can do this using a tool like phpMyAdmin, or any other database management software that you prefer. Once you have access to the database, you need to look for the table called mdl_block. This table contains information about all the blocks that are available in your Moodle site.
The mdl_block table has several columns, but the one that we are interested in is called name. This column contains the unique identifier of each block. For example, some common block names are calendar_month, news_items, quiz_results, etc. You can use these names to refer to the blocks in your code or configuration files.
Set default layout in Moodle
To change the default layout of your course pages, you need to edit the file called config.php in your Moodle root directory. This file contains various settings that affect the behavior and appearance of your Moodle site. You need to look for a line that starts with $CFG->defaultblocks_override. This line defines the default blocks that are displayed on each course page.
The value of this setting is a string that consists of comma-separated pairs of regions and blocks. Each pair specifies which blocks should be displayed in which region of the page. The regions are defined by the theme that you are using, but some common ones are side-pre, side-post, content, etc. For example, a possible value for this setting is:
$CFG->defaultblocks_override = 'side-pre:calendar_month,recent_activity,course_list;side-post:news_items';
This means that on each course page, the left sidebar (side-pre) will display the blocks for calendar month, recent activity and course list, while the right sidebar (side-post) will display the block for news items. You can change this value according to your preferences and needs.
Note that this setting only affects new courses that are created after you change it. Existing courses will keep their current layout unless you reset them manually. To reset a course layout, you need to go to the course settings page and click on the \"Reset\" button under the \"Course layout\" section.
In this article, we have shown you how to find block names in Moodle database and set default layout for your course pages. We hope that this will help you customize your Moodle site and enhance your online learning experience. ec8f644aee